Expert on plans to build the Ostrołęka C power plant - this is a big mistake
Diana Maciąga,
Diana Maciąga,
As the portal quotes in its article, expert opinions agree that the planned 1000 MW block in Ostrołęka will never close the financial gap and will worsen the conditions for the economic recovery of a similar class of blocks that are being built in Opole, Jaworzno and Kozienice.
- As a member of the Energa Wytwarzanie Supervisory Board, I took part in the development of the plan for modernization or construction of a new power plant in Ostrołęka based on two 240-250 MW coal blocks. These were supposed to be regulatory blocks. Building a single block where regulatory blocks are needed is a great risk, as this block has to be repaired or it may break down. Then a loss of 1000 MW in a single block is a huge risk, also due to the network operation – said Wojciech Myślecki.
The expert also noted that the connection conditions issued 10 years ago concerned the development of investments in a combined renewable energy system.
The Energy Congress brings together representatives of the government, energy companies, experts and scientists dealing with the issues of Polish, European and global energy on a daily basis. This year's third edition was held under the slogan "Safety, transformation, efficiency".
Hazards and problems of the Ostrołęka C power plant seem not to be noticed by the project owner. Recently, he officially announced the date the new block of the Ostrołęka power plant would become operational. As reported to the media in September this year by the Energa Group, the construction of a new power unit Ostrołęka C will start in 2018, and the production of electricity is planned to begin six years later.