Save the Scenic Santa Rita releases Investor Update on Augusta Resource Corporation
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas,, 520-445-6615
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas,, 520-445-6615
Today, Save the Scenic Santa Ritas (SSSR), a non-profit environmental organization comprised of ranchers, small business owners and community members opposing the proposed massive Rosemont open-pit copper mine released an Investor Update on Augusta Resource. This Investor Update can be accessed here.
Augusta Resource, a junior Canadian mining company, is seeking through its Rosemont Copper subsidiary, permits to build a massive open-pit copper mine on 4,000 acres in the Santa Rita Mountains on the Coronado National Forest just south of Tucson.
This Investor Update provides current and potential investors with essential information that the company may not have provided in its investor relations efforts. It is not intended to provide investment advice, but rather to share critical information upon which to base future decisions.
The Investor Update describes important actions concerning Augusta's proposal, provides an overview of the company and the questionable background of key officers, and identifies unresolved regulatory issues that could block approval of the mine. The information in the update is robustly sourced having been derived from regulatory records, Augusta Resource's financial filings, and technical reports and various media accounts.
The proposed mine would have devastating impacts on Southern Arizona's water, air, wildlife and economy and there is unprecedented opposition. Political, business, tribal and environmental leaders have joined with citizens from all walks of life to oppose this project. Their opposition is based on its impacts to the quality of life and economy of both current and futureSouthern Arizona residents and businesses.
Because of its devastating impacts on the Santa Rita Mountains and threats to regional water resources, BankTrack, a global network that tracks the environmental impacts of the financial sector is closely following the proposed Rosemont Copper mine. View the BankTrack file on the Rosemont project here.